After a lot of discussion and contemplation, we have decided that the first major Be A Wonder initiative will be to launch an official campaign to promote the Be The Match Bone Marrow registry program. The emotions of hearing that your child (or children, in our case) may need a bone marrow transplant to save their life is unfathomable. Bone marrow transplants depend on the kindness of strangers to Be A Wonder, to be a perfect match to a patient in need and be willing to donate their own bone marrow. There are over 12,000 people searching for donors within the international bone marrow registries. We are committed to helping families, like ours, have reassurance that a donor is out there.
We are fortunate to have an extensive network of friends and families that have offered to help us along our journey however we need. This is our ask. We ask you all to support this campaign. Help us add THOUSANDS of people to the Be The Match registry, and Be A Wonder.
Be The Match provided us with the following link and text-to-join information. All swab kits will be linked to our campaign so we can track our success! Please share widely. We are open to you all sharing our family's journey to support the need for this campaign. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Text "BeAWonder" to 61474